Microsoft vs. Linux For A VPS

Category: Comparison

linux-vs-windowsNow, most people can’t even decide if they need a VPS service or not. So if you have got that far, congratulation. You are now one step closer to making your life much easier with a server at hand. But now you are stuck with another problem; which VPS service is the best?

Basically, there are only two out there; Windows VPS and Linux VPS. Statistically, the Linux version is more popular with more people using it, but Windows comes up close because of its own unique features. Although similar in basic functions e.g. storing data, scaling and running software, both OS definitely have their differences.

So let’s take a look at the Linux first, since it is the more renowned. It is also considered more stable and innovative. Regarding VPS it is amazing. Let me start off by saying that is very cheap, even cheaper than Microsoft Windows. Since, it is an open source (which means it was developed under the model of free distribution) it has very low prices and has absolutely no side costs which you may have to worry about. There are no license fees either and all softwares are completely free and no price is associated with it.

Another great thing is that you can use Linux supported software or open source applications, both on the same OS. This allows you to use all different kinds of programming languages like php, and also allows the use of softwares which may not be supported in Windows.

There are numerous OS options available, like Ubuntu and the like. cPanel also only works with Linux. But most importantly, there is almost no server load and you get loads of more control on the whole thing compared to a Windows VPS.

But does that mean Linux wins? Not necessarily. You see, although there is only one, there is a major con of Linux. It is definitely not easy. A Linux VPS is controlled by SSH which is much more complicated than the simple style of Windows. This makes Windows much more user friendly.

Moving on to the major advantages of a Windows VPS; it runs on the standard Microsoft OS, Windows. It is highly manageable, and easy to control. It does not require much skill in doing the work required and at the end it gets the results. A regular Windows user will feel much more comfortable because of the familiar user interface present.

Furthermore, the Windows gives integrity and support to ASP scripts or .NET scripts. This means that if those scripts are the ones you would use, then you definitely need to choose Windows. And since the two products are from the same company, MS SQL works perfectly with a Windows VPS. Lastly, it receives a lot of backing from Microsoft itself, which means it will keep updating, and will keep getting better and better overnight.

All in all, the information above should get you to a stout decision. Microsoft being the more expensive, Linux with the open source boost. Microsoft backing and compatibility, compared to not much of any backing. Linux’s support of a wide variety of programming languages to Windows’ compatibility of SQL. The decision is yours.